Stuff I use

This is pretty much it. My main guitar is my McCurdy. Usually I play it through the Clarus SL-R into 1 or 2 of the Raezers Edge cabinets. Occasionally, I’ll use both Clarus heads and run in stereo out of the Lehle. I don’t use that many pedals, it depends on the gig. The board changes from time to time the mainstays are the Polytune2 (mini), Timefactor, Parallel SW II, Boss CE3 and the Rat.


  • McCurdy Mercury
  • Gil-Resch T Model
  • Ramirez Nylon String
  • Alvarez Steel String
  • Gibson 335
  • Gibson L4 CES
  • Fender Strat


  • Acoustic Image Clarus SL-R Series IV
  • Acoustic Image Clarus 2rr Series III
  • 1960’s Ampeg Reverberocket
  • Pearce G2r
  • 2 Raezers Edge Stealth 12 Cabinets
  • Various Modeling Software


  • Lehle Parallel SW II
  • Eventide TimeFactor
  • TC Polytune 2
  • TC Stereo Chorus+
  • ProCo Rat
  • Dunlop Volume X
  • Dunlop Crybaby
  • Boss CE3
  • MXR Phase 90
  • MXR Distortion+
  • TC Ditto Looper X2
  • Ibanez 9AD
  • Cioks DC7 (power supply)


  • D’Adarrio EXL115W (11-49 w3rd)
  • D’Adarrio EJ16 (12-53)
  • La Bella 2001 Medium Tension (nylon string)
  • D’Adarrio EGC25 (12-52 flats)

Recording Gear & Software

When it comes to recording, my setup is about as simple as you can get gear wise. I’m not an engineer, so don’t ask. I do know how to record a good guitar sound. I prefer to mic up my cabinets but a lot of things I’ve been asked to do have involved going in direct with the guitar. Then using some kind of modeling software or it gets re-amped.

  • Digital Performer
  • Dorico
  • Finale
  • FL Studio
  • Royer, AKG and Shure mics
  • Countryman 85